aaStudio Team - Ali & ReZa Amanzadegan

| Morvarid Ghasemirahni

Born in Tehran, Iran in 1988

| Biography

Morvarid ghasemi is a video artist and writer working in Iran. The main subject of her videos is

women’s problems in contemporary societies and she has been working on that since 2011. She believes as a video artist it is her responsibility to exploits her abilities to highlight the challenges that women are facing everyday and they are still neglected by society.

| Professional Life

2023 Group exhibition @ Villa Ichon Berman, Germany
2023 Miden festival (Present Continuous) Kalamata, Greece
2022 Group exhibition @ Schaumbad-Freies Graz, Austria
2021 Group exhibition “Anna Atkin” @ Serre torrigiani Florence, Italy
2021 Group exhibition @ Fondazione Palazzo Ducale Genova, Italy
2015 Video art exhibition @ Artline Freiburg, Germany
2015 Group exhibition @ [.Box] VideoArt Project Space Milan, Italy

2020 NO to violence against women Link
2020 Women in movement Link

2023 Group Exhibition @ Yafteh Gallery Tehran, Iran
2021 Industrial heritage @ Dayhim art society Tehran, Iran
2019 Group Exhibition @ Hug Gallery Tehran, Iran
2015 Limited Access @ New Media Society Tehran, Iran
2014 Uncertain time (Installation) @ Vista Gallery Tehran, Iran
2014 Limited Access 5 @ New Media Society Tehran, Iran
2014 Video art exhibition @ Vista Gallery Tehran, Iran
2014 The 5th Annual Contemporary Art Pers book Tehran, Iran
2014 Video art exhibition @ Utoban Gallery Tehran, Iran
2013 The 2nd Annual Video Art Festival Isfahan, Iran
2013 The 4th Annual Contemporary Art Sanandaj Sanandaj, Iran
2013 The 4th Annual Contemporary Art Pers book Tehran, Iran
2012 The 3th Annual Contemporary Art Pers book Tehran, Iran
2012 Video art exhibition @ Mohsen Gallery Tehran, Iran
2010 New art exhibition @ Henna Gallery Tehran, Iran

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